Student Bundle & Instructor Bundle Available $49.99-$79.99 |
First Grade
Student Bundle & Instructor Bundle Available $49.99-$79.99 |
Second Grade
Student Bundle & Instructor Bundle Available $49.99-$79.99 |
Basic (3rd-5th Grade)
Student Bundle & Instructor Bundle Available $79.99-$99.99 |
Advanced (3rd-5th Grade)
Student Bundle & Instructor Bundle Available $79.99-$99.99 |
Digital Platform Access
For Instructors Only *Essential to The ReadingHQ $9.99 per month |
What's Inside
The Reading HQ program targets letter recognition, short and long vowel sounds, and comprehension foundations in a fun format that's easy to use. Each grade level builds on the previous program, and expands student understanding in order to establish comprehension connections, and build reader confidence.
Digital Platform Access is essential to using The ReadingHQ. Click below to gain access to the platform for use with the program.
Digital Platform Demo
Teacher Bundles Include:
Student Bundles Include:
Correction Guides for the Basic & Advanced Programs: